The PCO (Public Carriage Office) car hire business is a lucrative one, but when you’re living in a city as large, as complex and as expensive as London, it can be difficult to kickstart a career. Finding the right car for the right price is not easy; some companies might overwhelm you with information, when what you’re looking for is a simple, straightforward answer; whilst others simply don’t give you enough options.
At Pace Hire, we’re able to provide the answers you need and the experience you seek. As a successful company having run for over a decade,
we’re further boosted with a team who’s combined experience adds up to over 40 years.
Customer satisfaction is something we take great pride in, so be assured that whatever the time, whatever the query,
we’ll have an answer in place which helps you and your respective career.
Our vehicles have external dash cams to
protect you in the event
of claim
All cars are valeted and PCO approved, they are also Uber ready which means you can pick up a car and start working straight away.
Servicing is included on our vehicles. There
are no extra charges – not even for tyres or